A Fair Fight

Racism is evil.

Sexual abuse is evil.

Abortion is evil.

I can go on…

Our disconnectedness is evident in how we are fighting amongst ourselves. The horrible occurrences of deaths of black people to the hands of police brutality is evil. Racism is the root of this. Evil is the root of racism. Evil is where there is no good and the evil on is free to travel in the shadow. This shadow appears when we are disconnected from the source of life and light.

The current defacing of religious statues is disrespectful and sacrilegious. It is offensive and painful. As symbols of faith and pillars of tradition, the tearing down of these things brings grief and anger. Those who say that these statues are monuments of white supremacy are not entirely wrong, but there is a disconnect. Those who are horrified by this and voicing it, but haven’t voiced their horror at the evils of racism are being called out. Thats not entirely wrong either.

Are these two things different? It appears there is a selfishness. We don’t fight until it hurts us. Again, we feel we do not belong to one another with God as our source.

Evil is responsible for both these issues. We try to rationalize with our common sense and academic dissection.

There is a lot of evil, meaning there is a disconnect from the good, from the light, from God.

Who is wrong here?

The statues, to some, represent generations of religious propaganda showing sacred figures as white. If you are white, you benefit. If you are of color, you can appreciate the beauty, however, it looks like heaven is reserved for those who are not brown. Again, disconnection. Can we see the pain? Can we see the hypocrisy?

Abortion is wrong. Where does that fit in all of this? Disconnection, nothing connects. There is evil in all these things, and they are multiple conversations – Babel. We are not seeking relationship. We are seeking to prove points. People are dying because of this, we think we have the answers. But do we? Yes, stop the killing. Yes, stop the injustice.

What will we do with what is next? Do we know?

We are fighting unfairly because we are not engaged in the same fight. We are all trying to point out evil and stop it. Maybe one day we will put out all of these fires, but if we do not stop and realize – as we clean up the ashes, there is still the one out there lighting the dry wood.

Let us pray.

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