The Great Story

I’m not sure if this is quite complete, but for the sake of what it is so far I will post it. I may come back to add to it:

In the beginning, there was a beautiful light who’s love was so strong that rays flowed from it. The light came from the relationship between Father and the son and the son and the Father. Their love for one another was called the Holy Spirit.

There was no darkness in them, only goodness that exuded. Their love was so great they wanted their light to give life to other things. They had beautiful beings of different kinds they called angels who allowed the light to grow bigger in them. In order for them to also share this beautiful loving light, they had to agree to receive it so they can shine.

There was one of the angels who loved the light greatly and saw how great he shined too! The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit saw how much this angel let their loving light shine through him so they gave him more and more so their light could shine brighter and brighter. This angel was even called the Light bearer.

The Light bearer was so full of love, but because he had to choose to open himself up to share this light, he used that choice in the wrong way. He looked at the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit’s light and he separated himself from it in his mind. He thought he could shine brighter than The Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit’s loving light. When he thought that, he made the choice to think his light was better, but he forgot that he shined so bright because it was The Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit’s light shining through him. He shared this thought with 1/3 of the other angels and all of them refused their connection to God and to the light – they now no longer had that light and because it wasn’t shining in them but , but it still shined on them, they didn’t want the light to touch them because it hurt and the light showed that they were not who they were meant to be. This was called the fall.

The angels were not the only creation that came from the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Their love is so great, and they wanted to share it. The good light that came from them, we call grace, shined on all they created. While their light of love shined and grace flowed, they created a place that parts of them could be shared in what we call creation. When the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit started creating – they called anything they made “creation” because they were the creators. All that they made was a part of them and creation existed because of the light that they gave them existence. They made beautiful things like the sky, and the water, the land, and the trees, the birds and the fish.  All these things were created in what we call the physical world (meaning we can touch and feel and see and use our senses to experience them). Everything created had life, because it came from the light and the light shined on it. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit created all these things in an order and a perfect way for them to grow and exist. All of these things were beautiful in their light, but they wanted a being made in their image and likeness to take care of these beautiful things together with them, and more than that, to experience the goodness and love they had together and share that love like the angels. So they created what we call, “Man”. Man had the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit’s great love in being created. They also wanted Man to experience this great love of relationship with a being like him, so they made “Woman”.  The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit saw all this and called it good, and he called Man and Woman very good. The Man and Woman were made out of this creation. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit took the dirt and breathed their life into him, and he became alive or full of life. They also saw that this Man should not be alone and took a piece of him and from it created Woman who was a part of man. The dirt or soil has another name, Adam and the life given to them has another name called Eve – together they were the living soil.

Like the angels, Man and Woman had to choose to live in this light. Because they had the ability to choose, the light of grace, could shine brightly through them and they could be creators with this light. In order to give them a chance to use this choice, he gave them everything in creation to take care of – but told them not to take the fruit of one tree they had made. This was so Man and Woman could choose the good and let the light shine so great through them. They lived in creation and creation was everything good because of the light of grace that always touched it and gave it life.

The fallen angels, especially the one who was the Light Bearer, saw all of this and was jealous. They did not like that The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirits love gave light to this creation, and more than anything they hated that God loved the Man and Woman so much. Because the angels could not live in the spiritual world with God, they tried to avoid the light of their love as much as possible. The one who was the Light Bearer who was now called the devil, saw that the Man and Woman also had the choice that he had. He saw that he could take control of what The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit had created and hide away from their light if the Man and Woman could bring darkness into creation. So he found a way to tempt them to make the choice he made, to separate from the light.

When the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit created, they did with a plan for all these things. Each thing created had its place in the order of the all of creation. The birds flew, the fish swam, the trees grew and bore fruit – everything had its place. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit freely walked through this great creation with Man and Woman. The light of love poured out on all of the creation so that it had what we call life. This life is what allowed creation to continue to do what it was created for – in the light of the creator. The light that flowed from the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit is what allowed these things to be fully what they were and made for. God is the source of LIFE, so to live is to be connected to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. To die is to be disconnected or not have relationship from the source of life.

Adam and Eve were fully in The Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit’s presence amongst all of creation and enjoyed relationship with him and with each other.  They were of course his creation- so relationship with him allowed them to be fully who they were designed to be.

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